Today: Tuesday, 23 April 2024 year

Free Syrian Army liberates new regions, airport

Free Syrian Army liberates new regions, airport

The Free Syrian Army continues its liberation activity, on Saturday, FSA forces has taken control of the Arap Izzah and El Fursan regions. According to the release of The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), Idalat, Talyah Darbiyah, and the Kubba Turkuman Airport in northern Syria’s El Rai region were freed too.

The Free Syrian Army and Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) have reported on the successful liberation of some important regions in northern Syria. The statement of the Free Syrian Army said that coalition forces could free Idalat, Talyah Darbiyah, and the Kubba Turkuman Airport. On day 11 of Operation Euphrates Shield (began on Aug. 24) the forces have freed Arap Izzah and El Fursan regions as well.

The Turkish Air Forces attacked and destroyed two ISIL targets in the Vukuf region. The Operation Euphrates Shield is aimed at bolstering border security, supporting coalition forces, and eliminating the threat posed by extreme organizations, especially ISIL.