Wednesday, 12 June 2024 year

Fresh news

20 : 25
The Israeli Foreign Ministry reprimanded the Slovenian ambassador after recognizing Palestine.
12 : 26
The Social Democratic Party won the elections to the European Parliament in Sweden.
12 : 24
The period of stay of Ukrainian refugees has been extended in Poland.
07 : 42
“Republicans” ruled out the formation of a ruling coalition with Macron’s party.
07 : 40
Janez Janša announced the victory of his party in the elections to the European Parliament.
18 : 47
Sullivan could not answer whether Netanyahu would be welcomed into the White House at the summit.
15 : 05
The US helped Israel search for hostages in Gaza, Sullivan said.
12 : 59
Germany is developing plans to increase the number of reservists.
07 : 33
South Korea will begin broadcasting from loudspeakers on the border with the DPRK.
07 : 25
Security measures have been strengthened in the Czech Republic.
19 : 19
Iran has stated that it will restrain Israel if there is destabilization in the region.
18 : 03
The United States and Niger announced the beginning of the withdrawal of American troops from the African country.
11 : 37
The Iranian Foreign Ministry called on the United States to pay Afghanistan for the economic damage caused.
09 : 04
Elections to the European Parliament have begun in Slovakia.
09 : 02
The United States has signed a contract for the production of shipborne air defense and missile defense radars.
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